Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vantage 2011

We had a great time camping in Vantage with the Olson family.

This is an awesome state park.

Beautiful views of the river, great park/ beach area, big campsites, and gorgeous sunny weather.

Next year we will bring the boat- the waterskiing is great here.
No skiing this year though, this belly is full of baby!
33 weeks

A happy road trip over the pass.

James and Aubrey are pals! 

What a cutie.

The sprinkler was a must-have in the warm weather.

Nothing like a little ice cream on a hot summer day!

Bath time is always a smile fest.

Cuddling in bed with Dad.

Enjoying some snacks and sharing with Kona.

The kids loved pushing the lawn mower! 
This thing got a lot of mileage over the weekend!

Hard to believe on our first camping trip in March, 
he was just learning to walk. 
Now he is speedy!

James got to help Dad drive on the (very) short ride within the campground to the beach.

He went straight for the sand!

Such a little fish...

Aubrey taking his Dad for a walk... but not too far into the bushes- snakes?!

Complete happiness!

More walks for Kona... I love this. 
Not sure who is walking who, though!

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