Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hawaii Vacation 2011

Last month we enjoyed a family vacation to Oahu with Matt's parents, sister, and her family.

I wondered how James would do on the long plane ride. 

To prepare for our 10 hour travel day (we had a layover in Bellingham), we headed out early so that we could make a stop at the park and let James burn some energy!

The plane ride was long... but he was a trooper.   
It was quite the experience for me as well, having entered my third trimester!

We stayed in Kailua at the Luna House.
On our first first morning, James was super stoked to wake up and see the pool in the backyard!

LOVE his expression in these next two pictures- pure excitement!

Enjoying new float toys from Grandma and Grandpa.

Adalae also enjoyed lounging.

Matt's training him early to be a surfer.

James loved being thrown in the air.

Notice how he never let go of the sunglasses!

 All that swimming sure works up an appetite... snack time!

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