Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Beach at Des Moines Marina

We were in Des Moines the other day getting the camper cleaned up for winter.  

James and I decided to pop down to the beach- one of our favorite places from our days of living in Des Moines.

Low tide was perfect for exploring beach treasures.

I love it down here. One of my favorite places!

We made a beach friend!

Lots of things to touch and examine!

This was his first encounter with huge gobs of seaweed.


 Then we spotted his favorite...

He made sure everyone on the beach saw them.

My little beach boy!

Soaking Up Summer

James has enjoyed his pool and slide this summer while we've enjoyed our back yard and patio.

We had a few super hot days last week, perfect for soaking up these last summer rays before fall arrives!

Best buddies.

Too hot for a swimsuit!

Happy in his cool pool.

We picked up this slide at the beginning of summer. It was a great purchase. 
 The perfect size for our little guy right now.  Maybe next summer we'll graduate to a full size big toy.

Love how eagerly he climbs up, skipping stairs!



 He's gotten so brave over this summer. He used to go down slowly and carefully, now he flies off the slide and loves it!

Sweet boy picked mom a flower! 

 What's a hot day without a popsicle?


Time for a little chalk...

He likes to lay out all the colors when he chooses...

Our other big boy!

A hot, happy day! 
Love to squeeze this little face.

Matt brought these up from the garden for my inspection.

Time to harvest!

Grapes will be ready soon too!

Les Gove Spray Park

We attended a friend's birthday party at Les Gove earlier this summer, and thought we'd head back for one more splash through the spray park.

But first, he wanted to climb!


And slide! So much to do at this giant park. 

He took his time getting used to the water...

Eventually he had it all figured out! 
He loved to turn on the fountains himself!

We couldn't leave without spending some time in the giant sand box. 
I think he was fondly reliving his sand adventures from Hawaii.

And finally, a little music making...

Makes for one happy boy!

Bonney Lake Days

Bonney Lake Days hosted our third and final birthday weekend outing.

During the day there was a fair and entertainment at Allan Yorke Park.

In the evening, they put on a fireworks show.  James fell asleep before the 4th of July fireworks show (which we watched from our bedroom patio while he slept in his room), so we took him down to the lake for this show- his first "real" fireworks show.

We thought it might be crowded, but we were able to back the van right up to the lake for front row seating!

In his PJs... anxiously awaiting the start of the show!

Good thing we brought a little entertainment... 

So close to the blasts! James was totally fascinated by the lights and sounds.

A perfect end to a perfect weekend!

Lake Nolte

The second birthday weekend adventure: picnic at Lake Nolte.

This was our first visit to this park and lake, and we will definitely be going back.

So fun hanging on the beach by this great lake!

James enjoyed the sand...

... Kona, not so much.

My boys took a little stroll down the beach.

Contemplating his next move- more play in the sand, or time for a swim?

Mom decided it was time for a sprinkle from the watering can!

A day for relaxing!

Point Defiance

We celebrated my 27th birthday last weekend with a family trip to Point Defiance Zoo!

Matt hasn't had the opportunity to go with us this summer, 
so it was fun to show him some of our favorite exhibits.

First stop, the play area- of course!

James got to go down the big slide with Dad.

Then, to our surprise, he ventured up the stairs all by himself and slid down! 

Always fun at the petting zoo.

Fish still fascinate him.

We got to check out the sharks this time around. James was totally in awe of these huge creatures.

Face to face with a giant!

More fun animals to see...

Another great visit to the zoo! So happy we got this membership!