Friday, November 18, 2011

Mikayla at Two Months

Here she is! Two months and growing so big!

We had Mikayla's two month appointment when she was six weeks old (Mom was confused when scheduling the appointment!)

She weighed 13 pounds and 8.5 ounces.  This is literally "off the charts," above the 97th percentile! And she still had two weeks to go before actually being two months old!  Our pediatrician says this is all good news though, she is extra healthy and doctors love fat babies.  She is thriving for sure!  That said, we are about to move on to size 3 diapers!

Hello big girl!

She was 22 and 1/8 inches long, in the 75th percentile.  
Head circumference: 16 inches.

At two months old, Mikayla is sleeping through the night!  She was going five hours at a time for a few weeks, and I thought this was excellent.  Then she went seven hours, and just recently nine hours. I'm a lucky momma!

Mikayla is really an easy baby.  She rarely cries, sleeps great, and is always smiling!  
The smiles are my favorite!

A few of Mikayla's many faces:

She is also talking up a storm. I will have to try to get this on video!

Around The House

I love our "home time."  
It's always nice to get the kids out to do things, but some of the best times are those spent doing "nothing!"

James is always keeping a close eye on Mikayla.  He frequently checks on her when she naps.  Sometimes this involves giving her big hugs and kisses or pats on the belly.  Luckily Mikayla doesn't seem to mind getting woken up by brother!

He's great about making sure she always has a warm blankie.

Mikayla loves this swing!  She looks at the lights and grabs for the fish while we eat dinner.

Speaking of eating, this one's an ice cream lover!

And lately lollipops have been a big hit.  We have a jar of Dum Dums and he likes the fruity flavors.  You can often find James sitting at the counter, sucking on a lollipop while coloring.

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween this year was a blast! It was James' first year of trick or treating, and our first Halloween exploring the new neighborhood.

We had a little gathering with the Kellys to celebrate this candy holiday.  I think James enjoyed mom's preparations for the party as much as the party itself.


Gotta love his technique...

"Thanks Mom!"

It was fun to bring out some Halloween decorations!

James also contributed to the party decor!

Our pumpkin family greeted trick or treaters.

This year's costume: Thomas The Train!  Thomas has been a favorite for months.

Tutu and Papi came over to hand out candy and be with Mikayla so that Matt and I could both take James out while Mikayla stayed warm inside.

Ginger as a purple dragon! (Fierce, isn't she?)

And Darla as a pretty little ladybug.  Darla assumed the task of handing out candy to trick or treaters while we were at the house.  Each time the door bell rang Darla would yell, "Visitors!"

We ate a quick dinner and these kids were ready to go!

We only had to make it through one cul de sac to fill their buckets. Still, the kids took turns riding in the wagon to rest their feet!

It took a few houses for James to pickup the candy-taking concept.  Once he figured it out though, he was not shy!

These three were so cute walking up to each door by themselves!

One house had this scary hand in their candy bucket.  It would grab for trick or treaters when they went to take a candy.  The girls dodged it but James was not afraid, he went for it!

Melanie dressed up! Always love her costumes!!!

Ginger couldn't wait to get back to the house and decided to take a sample from her candy stash.

When we got back the kids had fun examining their loot!

Ginger had lots of kisses for Mikayla.  

I think baby girl was happy when the kids came back so that she could celebrate Halloween with them too.

She is such a happy little one!

We had so many trick or treaters, I was afraid we might run out of candy!  Our neighborhood really goes all out for Halloween, I had no idea.  One neighbor even told me that they bring busses full of kids to trick or treat here!

Next year will be even more fun when Mikayla is able to trick or treat with us!

Welcome, Mikayla!

My mom hosted a beautiful celebration to welcome Mikayla.
It was a special time where family and close friends were able to come meet baby and give her lots of love!

Our little girl was all dressed up for the big occasion!
(Thanks Christina for the adorable onesie- too cute!!)

Lots of sweets in honor of our sweet girl!

My mom had platters of delicious Hawaiian food, too.  
Mikayla will be enjoying these dishes in just months!

Lots of family and friends of family came to see our little one, 
but I was so busy chatting that I didn't take many pictures!

Luckily I caught her exchanging smiles with good friend Michelle.

Auntie Debbie loved holding Mikayla.

As the party got started, I noticed James was enjoying some items from the dessert table!

Big brother may have had a bit too much sugar!

Bonding with great grandma...

... James got some reading time with her too!

Grandma B got her turn holding baby M, of course!

Thanks Mom, for throwing such a special party for our special little girl!