Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hickory Shirts

Matt was so excited when we found a baby sized hickory shirt for James (this was long before he was born). Finally the day has come and it fits! So we had to get a few shots of the father / son duo. I'm sure this will be the first of many matching shirts for Matt and James.

Pumpkin Patch

We took James on his first pumpkin patch outing this year. The sun was shining and it was a perfect time to be outside!

The boys searched a while for the perfect pumpkin...

... and James approves!

 He was excited. The pumpking was his favorite "toy" all day.

Me and my little pumpkin!

So cute! But seriously, he would not let go of his pumpkin.

Until we found some bigger ones!

I had to get my brussel sprouts, a tradition we started a few years ago. They are so tasty!

Such a fun outing!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Homecoming 2010

Federal Way High School had Homecoming over the weekend. For my brother this is his last Homecoming, as it is his senior year! 

We got to be a part of the evening as Brett, Christine (his date) and their friends enjoyed dinner at my parents' before going to the dance.

Couple shots:

 Ready for a four course meal of salad, steak, shrimp and lava cake!

James and Jamie hanging out...

Quick picture with Uncle Brett!
James also dressed up for the evening- notice the cute tie onesie,
courtesy of Aunt Amanda!

Papi made a friend quickly! That's ice cream in the spoon...

Ready for the next bite!

Getting ready to head out to the dance...

Hard to believe my baby brother is a senior already!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Family Portraits

Our friends Dave and Leah took some family portraits for us a few weeks ago at Point Defiance.  I'm so glad we had these done, this is a time in our lives that we will definitely want to remember!

The pictures are beautiful! They did such an amazing job. There are way too many to post, so I will just share a few of my favorites... but even my 'favorites' list is very long!

It's so hard to decide which ones to frame. Of course I think that James looks adorable in every single one. Oh, his many faces!

I love this one in black and white...

Check out the big smile in this one!

James is not big on sitting still.  Hence the belly hanging out of his shirt! Love it!

So photogenic!

These next three are just way too cute. I think the first one is my favorite, with his leg in the air!

Serious about smashing the grass...

Look mom!

A few more of James... aren't these sweet? I think #2 and #3 will get blown up!

I am so impressed with how these turned out, I would highly recommend Dave and Leah if you are considering family portraits! They also do weddings, maternity, baby portraits... send me a note if you want their info!

There are so many more I love... but I will share this last one of James and dad, to point out their smiles.

Matt has a trademark crooked smile (I love it!) and I've noticed it a few times in James. This photo truly captures it in both of them. Notice James' is on the opposite side!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Play Date at Greenlake

James and I met up with Liz, Aubrey, Mel, Darla and Ginger for a day on Greenlake while Matt and Jamie prepared for upcoming hunting trips.  Matt stuck around for a bit to hang with the kids before taking off.

Matt and Ginger

It was perfect weather for a long walk, but I think the highlight of the day for the kids was lunch at Tacos Guaymas. 

They're all getting so big!! We had to get three highchairs and a booster seat!

Ginger Kelly


Aubrey Olson

It's hard to believe how much these three have changed since this photo... February 2010, only 8 months ago!

From left to right: James, Ginger, Aubrey

And don't forget about Darla!

Aubrey couldn't get enough of her. What a sweet smile!

And check out all those teeth!

The kids fell asleep and so we headed back to Mel's for post nap play time.

New toys are fun and different from what we have at home!

We snuck in a few shots of these cute sisters.

James and Ginger were born just 5 days apart, both at Swedish. Here they are at just a few days old:

Ten months later in the same chair... we can hardly keep them in one spot!