Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Look Mom, A Rainbow!"

Sweet Baby Kenley

We were so excited to meet baby Kenley! You will remember we threw her baby shower in September, so meeting this sweet little one was such a treat. James and Mikayla absolutely adore her. And Colton is such a sweet big bro!

Lunch Date!

Bedtime Kiss

Mikayla's First Dental Appt

She was a champ!

No cavities! Yeah!

Swim Lessons

Both kids took swim lessons for the month of January.

James is turning into quite the little fish! He worked on back floats, kicking and reach and pulls.

Mikayla was ecstatic for every minute of every lesson. She loves the water, and was so happy to have Dad swimming with her!

Ready to go to the pool.

On our way home: I was happy to have my camera on hand to capture this! Almost every time we take a drive, the kids yell "Hands up!". And so we all have our hands up, everywhere we go...