Thursday, June 30, 2011

U Pick Strawberry Patch

There are a ton of fruit farms just down the hill from where we live. Strawberries are in season, and it's a prime time for picking! 

We thought we'd take James down to give it a try 
as strawberries are one of his favorites.

Sure enough, the strawberry patch was a hit!

James needed no teaching- he knew exactly what to do. 

The farm even had a little bucket for him to deposit his pickings. Perfect!

Ripe and delicious!

James filled his bucket over and over, and each time he would dump it into Dad's larger box.

Look what else I found, Mom!

Dad showing James how to pick the best strawberries.


He just couldn't wait!

A neighboring farm had horses. 
James was very interested, so Matt took him over to say hello.

Strawberry success!

Next up... strawberry jam.

A new family tradition!

Strawberry Patch 6-30-11 from Jevyn Backman on Vimeo.

Monday, June 13, 2011

FWHS Class of 2011

Congratulations to the Federal Way High School class of 2011!

Graduation was held at the Tacoma Dome over the weekend.

We were proud to watch my brother (valedictorian!) accept his diploma and take the first steps on his new life journey!

Class of 2011- turn your tassels! 

Go Navy- Beat Army!

Dinner at Anthony's to celebrate. 

Brett's HS Graduation 6-11-11 from Jevyn Backman on Vimeo.

We are SO proud of you Brett!

Always an Eagle- always an Eagle!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Videos from the Oregon Coast

I came across these videos from our Oregon coast trip back in March. 

Great memories!

Oregon Coast 3/23-27/11 from Jevyn Backman on Vimeo.

Yard Projects

Now that summer seems here to stay, we've been doing some projects around the backyard.  

When we first moved in, there were some rock stairs leading down to the grape vineyard and what is now our vegetable garden.

Going down the stairs made me nervous with James, and Matt was nervous for me and the belly.

So my handy husband dug out a nice little path for us!

I need to take more "after" photos, but there's a nice little spot in the middle for James and I to plant more flowers.  

James is a big fan of the new pathway, 
and I'm a big fan of all the energy he burns running up and down it! 

Notice how James helps Matt with everything.  He is so in love with his Dad right now. They've bonded in such a special way over the last few months since Matt has gotten to be home with him. 
It's the sweetest thing! 

Daddy's little shadow!

Keeping up the yard is alot of work! Time for a yogurt snack!

(Have I mentioned how excited he is about his booster seat?!)