Saturday, June 4, 2011

Welcome, Summer!

Summer officially arrived today! We enjoyed 80 degrees and beautiful summer sun all day long. 

James was SO ready. He woke up bright and early and asked to go out at 8am!  
It only seemed right to spend a day like today outside.

Matt and Grandpa B went fishing early this morning. They both caught their limit in just 2 hours and had a blast.  

When they arrived home we were already enjoying the pool in the back.

This kid couldn't get enough!

Taking a break from the pool to mow the lawn, just like dad does. 

But seriously- this lawn mower is a favorite! He pushes it around all the time. 
At one point I think it even went in the pool with him.

Matt and I enjoyed the pool just as much as James!

"Mom, why do I have to have this sunscreen on my nose?!"

Lots of fun with bubbles!

He loves this slide.  Today he learned how to climb up the stairs and go down it all by himself, our big boy!!

Dinner was enjoyed outside today. We've had meals outside before this, but this was by far the best weather we've had for "eating out"!

103rd trip down the slide...

Big smiles!

Matt had a brilliant idea- move the big slide into the pool! This was a hit. James never wanted it to end!

So much faster!

Our little fish loves to swim.

I'd say this kid is ready for Hawaii- less than two weeks away!

Video highlights: James had a great time on the slide! And check out the very end... he loves to dance!

Summer Sun Is Here! 6-4-11 from Jevyn Backman on Vimeo.

We are excited to welcome the summer warmth! And speaking of welcomes, I'm welcoming my growing belly to the third trimester. June, July, August... and then we'll have a new Baby Backman to welcome! 13 weeks left in the countdown!

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