Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Sunday

Easter was so much fun.  James loved all of the festivities!

He was excited to see what the Easter Bunny had left for him.

Wasting no time getting into the treats and toys!

Grandpa Knight got to join us for some play time and a big brunch.

Then we discovered there was more fun to be had in the back yard!

Discovered: basket from Grandma and Grandpa Backman!

Our egg hunt pro...

Nap time and then we headed to Aunt Theresa's for the Backman's annual Easter gathering.

All ready for the kid hunt...

And he's off! Love those boots!! (Thanks Kelly!)

Look who took home this year's golden egg!

Next up... the adult egg hunt!

A wonderful day.

Before bed, James got to hear the Easter story. 

As a family we gave thanks for eternal life and talked about the true meaning of Easter.

Matt and James (and baby #2!) are incredible blessings, I am so thankful!

Easter Bunny

Matt and I were so excited to start the Easter Bunny traditions with James this year.

Grandma and Grandpa B got to join us for a delicious steak dinner, courtesy of Matt- the BBQ master.

Then Grandma helped James put out carrots for the Easter Bunny.

Thoughtfully selecting only the best looking carrots...

... and carefully placing them on the plate.

What a funny kid.

James left everything ready for the Easter Bunny to make a visit...

... and sure enough, he did! And boy was he hungry!

That Easter Bunny is a messy one. I remember him leaving messes like this at my house when I was a kid...

Sky Island Egg Hunt

Our neighborhood association hosted an Easter egg hunt Saturday morning.

This was James' first egg hunt, and he had so much fun! 

He's a natural when it comes to egg hunts as we would soon find out...

He loved carrying his basket around. It went everywhere with us all day.

Big smiles watching all the kids!

It didn't take him long to figure out that there was good stuff inside those eggs... 

It was an absolutely gorgeous day, perfect for spending outside.

Summer, here we come!

20 Week Ultrasound!

We had our big ultrasound last week. It was so wonderful to see the baby again. 

So much changes in just a few weeks.  
This time we were able to count ten fingers and ten toes!

I can't believe I'm already halfway through this pregnancy. It gets better and better each day. 

I can feel the baby kick regularly now, it makes me smile.  The flutters started about a month ago, now the kicks are more distinguishable.  Matt was able to feel the baby kick for the first time on Easter. :)

The baby is healthy and measures 16 centimeters "crown to rump".  It was funny having the ultrasound tech tell us to look away every time there was a chance we might see the gender... I think we both wanted to peek but we restrained!

The baby's heart was beating at about 160 beats per minute... hmm... they say that heart beats over 150 mean it's a girl, but that's just a wives tale. 

We got to see our little one touch his/her face, and play with those tiny toes!

So sweet!

We get to go back in a few weeks to have another ultrasound- due to the baby's position, they weren't able to get pictures of some things.  In fact, I can tell that the baby is facing inward because I'm feeling lots of kicks in my back and bladder. An experience I didn't have with James!

I'm excited to get more ultrasound pictures- even more excited to meet the little one!

19 weeks (max!) and counting...

Mom and Dad's Night Out!

My boss gave me some Mariners tickets so Matt and I decided to make it a date night. 

Awesome seats!

James headed to Grandma B's for a slumber party, and we decided on Benihana's for dinner.

The food was delicious and the entertainment was great too!

I highly recommend the Toyko steakhouse experience!

Pacific Beach

We took a camping trip to the ocean with friends Liz, Aaron and Aubrey.   About halfway there I realized I forgot my camera! Blame it on the pregnancy brain.  So we picked up a disposable camera and had the photos put on a disc.  I had forgotten what it's like to be surprised by how photos turn out, I've gotten so used to the instant satisfaction of digital cameras!

Walking on the beach...

We lucked out with beautiful weather for most of the trip!

Little Aubrey learning to walk!

Kona makes a great chair!

This is one of my favorite campgrounds because you get to camp right on the beach!
 I love waking up to the sound of waves hitting the shore.

Tickle time in the camper with dad...

And cuddles with Kona!

Look at these goofy guys!

James and Aubrey played so well together, it's so fun to watch how their little minds work! 
These two were born just a few weeks apart, I love watching them grow up together!