Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sea Life Park

James had the best time at Sea Life Park.  

Upon entry, there was a giant aquarium- our little guy couldn't take his eyes off all the fish!

Then we got to feed the turtles. James thought this was hilarious, he laughed and laughed.

Such a happy kid!

Grandpa is standing behind the camera, hence the big laughs.

Getting ready for the sea lion show...

So sweet!

Then it was time for a little break before the big dolphin show.

James took this opportunity to chase birds...

drink fruit punch...

check out the penguins...

and snack on some ice cream!

The dolphin show was awesome.

We had many gorgeous views from our seats.

Cute little ones in their little hats! 
Speaking of hats, James has never been one to let us put a hat on him. He likes to feel the wind in his hair! On this trip though, the heat got the better of him and he surrendered to the hat- wearing. I was so relieved!

The dolphins were so sweet!

A few more quick snapshots...

 ... and this kid was totally tuckered out. So much excitement!

Really, James never adjusted to Hawaii time, so we had many tired moments. But it was sure easy to adjust coming home!

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