Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July

We had a fun-filled Fourth of July this year. 
The weather was gorgeous- I can't remember the last time Seattle had a sunny fourth!

Happy times at home.

 Followed by fun times at Grandpa's! 
Enjoying an ice cream cone...

While we feasted on fresh caught dungeness crab.

There is a reason he's undressed!

We spent the next part of the evening at the Hostvedt's.

 Enjoying the new go kart! 
James loved riding around the farm.

Sweet baby Haley- such a happy girl!

Kid photo. James is thinking, "what's up with all these girls?!"

A little ride in the Radio Flyer...

... but James preferred to pull the wagon.

Wild sisters!

James wanted in on the fun.

Look who's driving!

 Feeding the horses, or according to James, the big "dog".

And finally, Matt's favorite event- the fireworks.

No caption necessary. See the video below for the Uncle John show!

James enjoyed his first firework show!

A great day!

7-4-11 Fourth of July from Jevyn Backman on Vimeo.

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