Saturday, October 1, 2011

Slippers For Kona

Wow, I am way behind on posting!  Needless to say, getting on the computer has not been a priority.  These days I am spending all my spare time (James' nap times) loving on our sweet little baby girl.

At the moment, Mikayla is watching the Navy/ Air Force football game with Dad... and I came across some fun photos from earlier this summer.

This makes me laugh!  It seems that James decided Kona needed some slippers, so he decided to share his. 

Thank goodness Kona is such a patient dog! I don't know of many that would sit there while being dressed in children's shoes...

I know I've said this before, but James loves Kona so much!

While we were in the hospital with Mikayla, Kona stayed with Grandma and Grandpa B. I had no idea how much James missed Kona!  He would occasionally call for his "DOG!" and I would explain that he was coming home soon.  Well the day we brought Kona home, James would not stop hugging him! It was the sweetest thing!

Here's James and Dad enjoying our new front porch swing! Matt installed this shortly before we had baby M. It's so wonderful and relaxing to sit out front on this super cozy lounger, and James absolutely loves it- every time I open the front door he darts out to go have a swing!

It was a beautiful summer, the first of many in our new home in Bonney Lake. 
Even more beautiful are all of the new memories we are making as a family!

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