Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Puyallup Fair

We managed to Do The Puyallup this year as a brand new family of four!

Thanks to Matt's cousin Rebecca who gave us exhibitor tickets!  
We were able to go on the weekend and get in early before the crowds arrived.

First stop: the firetruck! James loves checking out big trucks.  His first close encounter with a firetruck was at Bonney Lake's "Touch the Truck" day. He enjoyed getting another look at the fair!

I couldn't get him to look away for the photo! He was so fascinated!

Mikayla slept through most of her first fair experience... next year will be a different story!

James' favorite part of the fair was checking out the tractors.  He didn't just sit and look, though.  He wanted to drive them!

Looks like we'll have to go to Grandpa Knight's for a ride on his!

Yes! James was just barely tall enough for a few rides this year!

The merry go round is always a favorite. Check out that big smile and wave to mom!

We enjoyed looking at many animals, but that's all James was interested in doing this year- looking. 

Matt, on the other hand, got to pet them!

The Kellys came over after doing the fair as well.

Love Ginger's boots!

Goof ball!

 Auntie Melanie got in some snuggle time with Miss M.

What a fun day!

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