Thursday, December 29, 2011

Where James Loves To Nap!

Two Year Old Stats

We took James to the doctor for his two year check up.

Our once rolly-polly pudgy little baby is thinning out into a lean little boy!

He weighed in at 26 pounds, 5 ounces and 33.5 inches long- only the 25th percentile!  His head circumference has grown to 20 inches.

This little boy is growing into a funny little one! Look what I caught him doing the other day!

His speech has also taken off.  We frequently hear, "uh oh" and "what's that!".  Recently he combined them and says "uh oh what's that!"  To say "night" he says "nine"- cute!  He also likes to talk about the "moooon" and when looking at Christmas lights he would exclaim "oooooh woooow!"  Hi = Hi's and Bye = Byes!

The other day we had our first conversation.  He walked up to me and said "Hi. Moooom!  Pooo." Yes, he had a dirty diaper.  I wonder if potty training is in our future?!

Seems as though he's decided heels are not his thing! 

Wintery Walks

We've had some beautiful, brisk winter days- a great opportunity to get the kids bundled up and out for some fresh air!  And a good chance for Mom to get some much needed exercise!

Cozy and bundled up...

James loves to wear his Cars beanie!

So beautiful! I love it out here!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Card 2011

I was able to capture some sweet moments with the kids in front of the Christmas tree.

James enjoyed redecorating the tree, almost every day.

My sweet baby girl with the glow of the tree lights behind her.

I loved these so much...

I used them on our Christmas card!

They're so sweet together!

Merry Christmas!!!!

My Babies!

They're growing so fast!

Merry Christmas from the Kelly Girls!

When Darla and Ginger were at the house a few weeks ago, we put them in their oh-so-cute Christmas dresses and attempted a mini photo shoot in front of the tree!

First, Darla wanted a few pictures with Mikayla.

Then James wanted in on the action!!

Here are a few of my favorites.

I love these beautiful girls! And I'm loving my new camera! Can't wait to play some more :)

Santa's Little Helper

My mom bought this adorable Santa suit for James when he was a baby. 
Here he is, about one month old:

Our healthy 3 month old girl barely squished into the Santa suit!

She still looked adorable!

A little smile for mom.

She makes me jolly!

Happy Hour

We frequently enjoy "happy hour" as a family!

James loves his chips and salsa!

We are also teaching him how to use chopsticks.

This is his preferred method, for now!

There's something on your face, silly!

Mikayla can't have snacks (soon enough!) but she's always "happy for the hour!"

Other times she prefers to take in a little siesta. 
Love that sweet sleeping face!

Mikayla's Giggles!

Mikayla is giggling! It's the cutest thing.

She absolutely loves it when you play Patty Cake with her.

This video was taken in the dark with the iPad while we were getting ready for bed, but you get the idea! 
I love her little laughs!

Christmas Cookies

We had so much fun making many, many batches of Christmas cookies!

James was such a big help!
He was great at pressing in the cookie shapes.

His favorite part was decorating.

He got to paint on the frosting...

And shake on tons and tons of sprinkles!

Some cookies received more than others!!

He sampled many of his creations.


"Do we have to give them away, Mom?!"

After cookie baking, time for Charlie Brown!

You'll notice many samples of cookie dough were also enjoyed!