Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's a GIRL!

That's right, we welcomed a sweet baby girl into the world and our family on Thursday, September 8th!

Mikayla Lei Backman was born at Swedish Hospital at 3:38pm, 
weighing in at 8 pounds 1.8 ounces and measuring 20 inches long.

She came out screaming and alert! 
Eyes open, this little one was ready to see the world.  
And check out all that dark hair! 

We are so thrilled to have a baby girl!

I have to say, this was the best surprise Matt and I have ever experienced.  We asked the doctor to let Matt announce the gender.  When Matt told me "it's a girl," I burst into tears!  Such a special, indescribable moment.  I'm so glad we waited on learning the gender, this was too fun!

From a family of three... (taken just before going to the hospital)

... to a family of four! Big Brother James (proudly sporting his big bro shirt) is doing great with his baby sister... more on this to come.

About an hour after Mikayla was born, we welcomed in James and our parents to meet the new family member.

All smiles!

We are overjoyed and so grateful for this sweet blessing!

Mikayla is beautiful, healthy and perfect!

I have SO many pictures and so much video... it will take awhile to get caught up.  We're spending most of our time just enjoying our sweet kids for now.  We had about a week of beautiful sunny summer before fall arrived. Mikayla and I enjoyed long evenings on the back patio, watching big brother and Dad play.

Our house full of blue boy things is being infiltrated with pink! 

We're so excited!

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