Saturday, June 22, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Camping- Fort Stevens, OR

We spent the long weekend camping with our close friends, the Kellys.  We camped at the Astoria KOA this year instead of the state park. It. Was. Awesome. They had so many activities and attractions for the kids. Everyone had such a great time!

We arrived on our first night with just enough time to set up and have a fire.

Excited to be camping! First trip of the season...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Afternoon Snuggles Too!

Morning Snuggler

Baby Love

I've mentioned how much James loves babies... each time we have one at the house James asks if he can hold it. Here he is with baby Jillian...

Then James told me he wants a baby to live here... hmmm!

Mikayla's Got Moves

Beauty Routine

Someone's Been Dreaming of the Beach!

Mother's Day

So grateful for these women I am blessed with.

And these guys too... ha!

And ESPECIALLY these two wonderful gifts.

Fun With Asher

Asher is our sweet neighbor friend and has quickly become James' best friend. He lives just a few houses down so the boys find many reasons to play daily.

I've had more snakes in my life over these past few weeks than I have had in my entire life! Boys will be boys, I suppose!

This is James post-play with Asher. He didn't even make it to the couch!

Loving the Big Kid Swing

One last push for brother in the baby swing before it's taken down!

Swinging with Mom

Fun at the Knuth's

Kid croquet...

Sharing ice.

Lots of love for Landon!

Tanner too.

Fun to spin!

Perfect day for running through sprinklers!

Anna and Lil!

Spring Soccer

James' second and last year of pee-wee soccer! Next year he graduates to big kid soccer- no parents on the field.

My soccer studs.

Resting in the shade.

James loves soccer! It's so fun to watch him take interest in different activities!

Listening to coach.

Going in for the...


High fives from coach.

And running to get another one from...

Coach Dad!

Cheers at the end of practice.

Next up: t-ball this summer!