Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First Haircut

The time had come to give James his first haircut. I put it off as long as possible- I loved his soft little curls and that baby look that comes with a big mess of hair.

But, he's a big boy now (almost 16 months!)- and things were getting a little out of control!

So sweet, but I could almost make a tiny pony tail with that!

So Matt and I gave him his first trim. We considered taking him to one of those kid haircut places, but it's a good thing we didn't, because this guy is a wiggle worm! Plus, I was insistent that I get to make the first cut!

 "Mom! What did you just do?!"

Toys to distract...


Check out all that hair!

Here he is! Looking so much older!

Celebrating with Kona later that evening.  Getting a haircut always feels good, I'm sure James felt the same!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lots to Say

James' speech has taken off! This little chatter box is blabbering all day long. 

A lot of the babbles don't make any sense (but how I love that sweet sound!). 

He is definitely trying to mimic words, though.

Word number one is dog!

And mama, dada (of course).


That's all we can make out... for now. I'm sure this list is going to grow!

Day at the Park

We decided to check out our neighborhood park on Saturday.

 James has a newly discovered love for slides, as long as Matt goes with him.

Big smiles!!

The swings are always a hit.

Now there's a look of pure bliss!

Ready for Spring

We had beautiful weather this weekend! It was so nice to get a taste of what's to come. 

We spent part of the weekend working in the yard and getting ready for sunny days to be enjoyed in the back. 

We also got to hang some pictures around the house, it feels so great to get settled in!

Helping dad get the moss up and aerate the lawn.

Throwing rocks in the fountain.


Colton Turns 1!

We got to party with Colton this weekend for his first birthday.

Check out that cute birthday boy!

"Mom get this frosting off my new shirt!"

Sharing cake with Dad.

James made sure to test out all the toys and animals before we left.

Sesame Street

It's official, James has discovered Sesame Street- and when I let him watch it, he is totally sucked in!

Hilarious! Nothing could tear him away at this moment.

Uncle Time

Uncle Dale was in town for a brief visit last week. 
It was nice to have some family time with my dad and uncles.

James enjoyed himself, as usual.

Time to Eat

James loves to eat, and that is an understatement. He's not picky either- he'll try just about everything.

When James started baby food, his palate was marked by a love for sweet potatoes and pears. He would have eaten them at every meal. He also loved bananas.  Carrots and green beans were an occasional hit too. 

As he got bigger, he was able to eat the kid sized "cheetoh" puffs and yogurt melts, which he loved. He also enjoyed the baby food spaghetti.

Now that he has plenty of teeth, nothing is off limits. 

Breakfast favorites still include bananas, plus blueberries, muffins, strawberries, oranges, sausage links, cereal, and pancakes (with maple syrup!).  He'll also gobble up tater tots and this kid loves breakfast bars!

Snack time consists of more blueberries (he would eat only blueberries if we let him), string cheese, pears, goldfish, and crackers.

The lunch and dinner menu is basically the same- he usually eats whatever we are having. He also loves chicken nuggets and corn dogs.  Meatballs, spaghetti, lunch meat, pizza, chicken... and this kid loves beans- kidney beans, black beans, green beans.  The list goes on and on.

Of course, we can't forget dessert. This little guy is your shadow as long as you have a bowl of ice cream!  

I'm afraid to see our grocery bill in 5 years!

Day at the Museum

Mel and I took the kids to the Children's Museum a few weeks ago. They had a blast! James was able to take in everything, such a huge change from the last time when we were there in October.


 Sweet Ginger Mae

How cute is this! Darla was calling for James all day, then she'd grab his hand and they'd run together!

Ready to build.

Big smiles!

 The supermarket was a hit. Miniature groceries just their size!

Ginger loved sharing snacks with James.

Of course James was a fan of this!

All that play time left the kids hungry. A little lunch at Center House and then time for naps!